Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baking Bread

Making, Baking, Breaking Bread ....TOGETHER
Makes two loaves or three bread bowls!

Ever since I married, it has been a personal goal to learn how to make a soft light bread to compliment my meals.  It has since changed to anything that will rise above two inches.  One day, I would like to be able to bake bread from memory.  Join me as I continue my bread making quest!

This past Saturday morning I tried my hand at a bread recipe I found on the Internet of course.  Originally from the Tightwad Gazette

Cuban Bread
5-6 cups all-purpose flour  (I used a little more than 4 including 1 cup of wheat)
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
2 cups hot water (120-130 degrees)

1- Proof your yeast!

I used my kitchen aid mixing bowl, added the yeast, water and sugar and let it sit about 15-20 minutes.  Begin the recipe when it is foamy.  This means your yeast is good.

For hot water, I let the tap run till it feels pretty hot.  When I have microwaved in the past, I have gotten it way too hot and that will kill your yeast!

2-Add the salt.  This is after you visualize the foam.  You are ready for the flour!

3-Add 2-4 cups of the flour and beat 3 minutes with the mixer.

4-Stir in the remaining flour until the dough is no longer sticky.

5- Pick up the dough in your hands.  Take off your rings!  Spray your hands with oil.  Knead 8 minutes.  You should feel as though the bread is alive in your hands.  To knead you are pulling and rolling while holding it with both hands.  Some folks use a greased cutting board.  Roll it into a ball and flatten then turn and roll and flatten again.   TIME this part!

6-Spray or grease the mixing bowl you used and place the dough in it for about 15-25 minutes.

I put my dough to rise  in the cold oven because I have central ac and that can affect the rising.  Somehow it is humid enough in a small space like an oven to rise.  I have heard of folks covering the bowl wiht a larger bowl as a cap while it sits on a counter.

7- After time has passed, punch down the dough.  Shape into two round or oblong loaves, and place on a baking stone or use your cast iron.

Cut an X or a few slashes 1/2 inch deep on top with a sharp knife.  I fogot this part and it worked fine.

8-Baking Do not preheat your oven!   Place a pan of boiling water on the lowest shelf.  (The water helps to form a tough crust) Add your bread to the oven.  My shelf was one level from the top.  Turn oven on to 400 degrees and check in about 20-35 miinutes.  Your bread should sound hollow to some degreee when you tap on it.

9-Shine with olive oil.

10-The most important part.  Share one loaf with a person who could use a smile today!  Those that never get out anymore, who are facing a tough prognosis, or those having trouble with work.  It is not about giving them food- you should be prepared to visit ,take it warm, and "break bread together."  They will carry your warm thoughts for months.

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